There are two main points in today’s consumer alert: (1) The credit card companies are trying to fraudulently ruin credit reports of people who received bankruptcy help; and (2) what you can do about it.
One: The Banks Are Fraudulently Leaving Bad Marks on
People’s Credit Reports After They Receive Bankruptcy Help
Today at 10 am, I was on NPR Radio – 820 WNYC-AM – talking about how my firm has sued Chase, Citibank, Bank of America and GE Money Bank for trying to make my clients pay their bankrupt debts by leaving bad marks on their credit reports. These bad marks have caused people to be rejected for jobs, apartments and mortgages after bankruptcy.
You can listen to the WNYC radio show on NPR’s website anytime:
According to a front page New York Times story about our lawsuit from last Thursday, the Federal Government is now considering suing these same banks for illegally refusing to remove the old debts from the credit reports of millions of people who filed for bankruptcy help.
Here is the link to the New York Times story:
Two: CJA Law Can Help You Clean Up
Your Credit Reports After Bankruptcy
Many of you probably know that we ask all of our bankruptcy clients to come visit us after their bankruptcy is over to help clean up their credit reports. This service is free for all of our clients. We can usually fight the creditors to make them clean up the credit reports so our clients aren’t held back from recovering good credit. We also show our clients how to get credit and build their credit score back to above 700. With effort, people can recover a 700+ credit score. We even see people get mortgages just three years after bankruptcy.
If you haven’t come in yet for your free after bankruptcy consultation, please call the office and ask for a credit report appointment.
And, as always, if you know someone swamped with high interest credit cards who might need our help, please have them give us a call.