The free credit scores you see on television and the internet are okay for generally tracking your credit. But, sometimes these “free” credit scores can be way off and wrong.
If you want your real credit score if you are buying a car, applying for a mortgage, renting an apartment or applying for a job – you should get your FICO credit score.
FICO is the credit score company that all the major banks use. FICO scores are on a 250-to-900 scale. There are three different FICO scores based on the information from the three major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.
You can buy your FICO score on their website: Here are some tips:
• Click at the top of the webpage where it says: “Compare our PRODUCTS.”
• Each of the three credit scores cost $20. You may only need one.
• If you only want to buy one score, buy the EXPERIAN FICO credit score. Experian is the most accurate credit report company.
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